News 2022

SAGE Convention


The eight annual SAGE Convention was held in Lacombe, AB on May 6-8, 2022.  It began with an evening banquet at the College Heights Christian School.  Our weekend guest speaker was Elder Lowell C. Cooper who is a Canadian born retired vice president of the General Conference of SDA and spoke on "Personal Encounters with Jesus."

The weekend continued with Sabbath School and church followed by an afternoon presentation by Elder Cooper and an evening Gospel Concert.  The convention ended on Sunday.


SAGE Education Nature Centre Workday


June 5, 2022 was the day for SAGErs to finalize the work at the SAGE Education Nature Centre at Foothills Camp.  It was a damp, rainy day and of the 22 people registered to participate, 13 came to work.  Even in the rain, work at the Nature Centre was very well accomplished.  Windows inside and outside were cleaned, chairs, tables and the floor were cleaned.  Outside though wet and rainy saw a whole trailer load of branches and wood picked up.  A wonderful tasty lunch was served at the Camp dinning room at noon. 

Once the work at the Centre was completed for the day, SAGErs went up to the Camp and offered to help.  Windows in all the large buildings and in the cabins were cleaned.  The day wound up with supper at the Nature Centre and the hoagies will not be forgotten.

In the near future SAGE will once again be holding a workday.  Many hands will be needed to pick up millions of branches, logs be cut and the grounds around the Centre raked.  Yes, this Centre is truly a place where God wants to meet with people and to help them learn more about Him through His nature. 



Opening at the Administration Building          Lunch at the Camp Cafeteria


                           Cleaning Nature Centre outside doors and windows


Cleaning Nature Centre chairs and tables


Yard branch and tree removal in the rain



Nature Centre stove work




Generator Cabin work


SAGE Workdays 2022

2022 SAGE Workdays were carried out at College Heights Christian School on August 21 and at Mamawi Atosketan Native School on August 28.  These work days are designed to help each of the schools prepare for the upcoming new school year. 

This year not as many SAGErs and friends participated but all the work on the worklists were completed.  At the College Heights Christian School, Pastor Don Corkum, began the day with worship which was then followed by those attending  quickly choosing jobs of cleaning, carpentry, painting, reorganizing, general maintenance, and/or yard work.  At the Mamawi Atosketan Native School, Pastor Ken Wiebe, began the day with worship which was then followed by quickly choosing jobs of cleaning, carpentry, painting, and yard work.

At noon the schools provided a very tasty lunch along with desserts brought by SAGErs.  After lunch all the jobs on the list were completed.  However, at College Heights Christian School one job, the installation of flooring in the entryway, was not completed until the next day. And now it is such a good feeling to have carried out all the work that was needed.

Both school principals were very vocal about their appreciation for all the work carried out at both schools, College Heights Christian School, Steven Gabrys and Mamawi Atosketan Native School, Michael Willing and SAGE feels very blessed to have accepted and completed the work.    


MANS SAGE Workday 2022


CHCS SAGE Workday 2022